Care Giver Corner

Thoughts and advice for those aging gracefully, living alone, or their care givers

Living alone with a pet can be scary. What happens to them if you get in an accident

How a daily call service can help a pet owner protect the safety of their pets For pet owners who live alone, the thought of something happening to their beloved furry friend while they are away can be a constant source of worry and anxiety. Whether it’s due to a traffic accident, an unexpected emergency,…
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Best Dog Breeds for Elderly People

Best Dog Breeds for Elderly People Introduction Dogs are known for their loyalty, dedication, and companionship. Owning a dog can provide a sense of purpose, reduce stress, and even lower blood pressure. For elderly people, having a dog can be especially beneficial. However, not all dog breeds are suitable for seniors. In this blog post,…
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How to Protect Your Loved Ones If They Live Alone?

Worried about the safety of your loved ones who lives alone? Gain peace of mind only when you know that they’re safe and secure?   We know your pain…   Living with the constant worry that something could happen to your loved ones when they’re alone is hard. It’s especially hard when seniors are most…
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How to Protect Your Pet If Something Happens to You?

Who will care for my pet if something happens to me?  For many seniors, pets replace human companionship and become their only family. So, seniors, probably more than anyone else, think about the fate of their furry friends if something happens to them.   This article will once and forever calm your worries about your…
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Testimonial – from a very happy customer.

I feel compelled to write a letter of thanks and, in my own way, provide a testimonial of the benefits that your organization provide.
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Illustrations set of superfoods. Different vegetabeles, seeds, fruits and berries.


Eating a healthy diet with superfoods! Planning a healthy diet can be a challenge, but keeping in mind some key ‘superfoods’ can help you both maintain a healthy weight and avoid illness. These superfoods are often touted for their nutritional benefits. They are filled with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can help boost the…
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A thank you to essential workers

Appreciation for caregivers and essential workers

How can we show support for those on the frontlines This past year has gone by in a blur. From early March, when news of the coronavirus pandemic reached the United States to now in September, it feels like it was over in the blink of an eye. But for essential workers and caregivers who…
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Metal mailbox for rural homes with I Voted sticker as concept

How to make sure you’re registered to vote by mail

How to vote by mail With only two full months before the Presidential election and the coronavirus still weighing heavily on the United States, it is crucial to think ahead to how voting will be different this election cycle. Many younger people choose to register as permanent absentee voters, but for those used to going…
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elderly woman waving herself off with a fan to stay cool

How to stay active in the summer heat

It seems more trouble than it’s worth… unfortunately, not true. Staying motivated to move your body can be hard in the summer months when the temperatures are on the rise. When the AC’s nice cold air tempts you to stay inside drinking ice tea, remember these tips to keep active. But, how to stay active…
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Pantry for article

Keeping some simple staple foods well-stocked

In these new times, it’s important to plan… Those who are used to eating out or are unsure of what foods are best to keep stocked can look no further. Keeping some simple staple foods well-stocked will help ease the burden should an event like this reoccur. While still in the throws of this current…
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Customer Pet Photos

June 26 2020 Newman & Sweetie from Texas Would you like to have your pet featured with other customers? Please email your photo to 
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Pet Companion

Why companion animals are great for sheltering in place

Pet companions, we love ’em…  Whether big or small, feline or canine, furry friends have been people’s closest animal companions for centuries. During these uncertain times, where much of the world is still sheltering-in-place to reduce the coronavirus spread, companion animals have become as important as ever. Having a loving animal in the home can…
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Looking to the future

Looking to the future as Older Adults

We must stay positive and focus on what to expect… With the world slowly beginning the reopening process, the seemingly endless life in quarantine now has an end in sight. Looking to the future as Older Adults may not be as soon as we all hope, but we need to start imagining what life will…
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stay home

Why staying home is important for your safety

It’s especially important for those 65 and over and those with chronic health problems or weakened immune systems… As we enter into the second month of sheltering-in-place in the US, many are growing restless. People are filling the streets without masks on in protest of government regulations, beachgoers are flocking to the coast, and some…
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avoid scammers

COVID-19: Scams targeting the elderly

Stay informed to better avoid these types of scams With the world in a state of flux due to the ever-shifting nature of the coronavirus, we must be more diligent than ever about scams. Scams targeting the elderly have been around for ages, but now scammers are utilizing fear about the virus to develop more…
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Seniors: Finding resources during COVID-19

Our communities are coming together in incredible ways… By now, we are all acutely aware of how the coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed our day to day lives. No longer do we enjoy the simple luxury of freedom of movement. However, the small sacrifice we are all making by staying in our homes will help…
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managing stress and anxiety

Managing Stress and Anxiety

It’s especially important right now… No matter our age, at some point, we all deal with stress and anxiety. Feelings of stress and anxiety manifest in many ways, from raised blood pressure and a quicker heartbeat to increased sweating and restlessness. Stress is a normal human response to danger, but chronic stress can be harmful…
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StayatHome COVID19

COVID-19 & Older Adults: Tips for Staying Inside

Stay-at-home orders are being implemented nationwide.  With information rapidly evolving regarding the coronavirus COVID-19, it may be overwhelming to keep up with constantly changing local, state, and federal recommendations. But one thing is certain, everyone, especially older adults, should shelter-in-place and avoid going out whenever possible. So, staying home can be difficult when you find…
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Medication Management

Medication Management: Tips for Seniors

Try these 5 tips… A majority of older Americans manage at least one chronic condition. The risk for developing a chronic disease, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, increases the older you get. Because of this, many seniors find themselves juggling a variety of medications to keep their bodies functioning properly. Medication management is…
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Self-iso post

Tips to Cope with Self-Isolation

Stay safe and stay sane! Every person globally has felt the effects of the coronavirus known as COVID-19. It is a disease that disproportionately affects the oldest and most vulnerable in our communities. These tips to cope with self-isolation are just a launchpad. We must ban together as a society and look for ways to…
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Helping senior with loss ofappetite

Tips for Helping a Senior with Loss of Appetite

Hunger response decreases as we age It’s no secret that as people age, their appetites evolve. Just like a child who dislikes their veggies and then grows up to find themselves craving them, seniors may find both their taste for food and their ability to eat as much as they once did change. If the…
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Caregiving System of Support

Caregivers: Finding a system of support

There are people and resources to help  As someone caring for an elderly loved one, you can often feel overwhelmed and alone. Finding a system of support that is robust is essential for anyone who has taken on the responsibilities of caring for a senior. For seniors who are looking to build their network of…
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system of support article

Seniors: Developing a system of support

It’s vital for our well-being Aging, and feeling like you can no longer do the things you once could, can be an overwhelming experience. Developing a system of support can be essential for staying in your home and remaining independent. For caregivers looking to establish a system of support, read “Finding a system of support…
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Ambulance Illustration

Check-in Tip: Utilizing Local Emergency Services

Adding this contingency to your daily check-in plan could be life-saving Did you know that a number of Iamfine users are currently utilizing local emergency services as a member of their Care Circle? Local emergency services can provide “wellness” or “welfare” checks which are in-person response calls by local law enforcement to determine a person’s…
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Medication and Thermometer

Recognizing flu symptoms in seniors

Flu season is in full swing Winter is still in full swing, and with it worries over influenza. And, recognizing flu symptoms in seniors isn’t always easy. Most people know the sign of the flu, which comes on suddenly and can include fever, aches and pains, weakness, and a loss of appetite. However, diagnosing the…
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finding love featured

Finding Love Later in Life

In the spirit of Valentines Day, let’s talk about LOVE Love is a beautiful thing, and every February, we are reminded of its beauty as we celebrate Valentine’s Day. For seniors who have lived a life full of love and family, and have experienced loss, the holiday can be a reminder of times past. Even…
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Road Safety Tips for Seniors

5 Road Safety Tips for Seniors

Safety first always! As we age, our habits change, we may reach for less sugary cereals, gravitate toward more comfortable clothing, and begin to drive a little differently. Young drivers tend to be more reckless; they drive fast and are more risky with their driving maneuvers. Older drivers tend to drive more cautiously but can…
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empowered thru tech

Senior Citizens: Empowered through technology

Utilizing technological resources to your advantage does not mean a diminished capacity… After living your whole life independently, asking for help can be hard. Often asking for help can feel like admitting that you are no longer capable of taking care of yourself. But having technology in place to help monitor your well-being can be…
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Alzheimer spouse story

Daily Check-In’s: Caring for a Spouse with Alzheimers

A story of care from one of our Iamfine customers… When you have been married 57 years, learning that your spouse has Alzheimer’s can be devastating news, but knowing that you have a security net in place to care for them should something happen can mean the world. Knowing that Iamfine, the daily check-in service,…
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Daily Check-in Tips

Have you checked in today? Checking in with automated daily check-in calls is meant to be simple and provide peace of mind. Our system calls every single day at any preferred time. All the person checking has to do is answer and press 1 on their phones keypad.  If you do not answer, we try…
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Senior-Friendly Tech: Budget-Conscious 

By Jason Lewis of   High-tech gadgets are making life easier for everyone these days, though some seniors may struggle more than others with modern technology. However, achieving a degree of technological fluency doesn’t mean turning everything over to devices you don’t understand. Fortunately, there are plenty of affordable and easy-to-use gadgets and services…
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asking for help, holding hands

Asking For Help as a Senior

Needing help is universal When we are younger, asking for help is a part of life. As we learn and grow, we often become more resistant to reaching out for help when we need it. Seniors may find it challenging to reach out for a variety of reasons, from old habits of living independently or…
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Activities for seniors to combat holiday loneliness

Activities for seniors to combat holiday loneliness

It may be cold, but don’t let that stop you… The end of the year is fast approaching, and the holidays are almost here. While the winter season is typically a time of celebration, for seniors living alone, the holidays can be difficult. To spread some cheer to the senior in your life, consider some…
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Safe Cleaning Practices for Seniors

Safe cleaning practices for seniors

A mess can stress! Spring is right around the corner (we can’t wait), and with that means clearing out the clutter and washing away the remains of winter. However, with each passing year, many seniors find it more and more challenging to clean the way they used to. Often times, it is helpful for a caregiver…
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5 Tips To Winterize Your Home

5 Tips for Winterizing A Senior’s Home

Are you cold yet? We are… With winter weather in full force and months of colder temperatures ahead, it is important to have a plan for the senior in your life to prepare their home for the harsher months. These 5 tips for winterizing a senior’s home aren’t always simple to tell. Most of this…
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Daily Call Services Life Saving Intervention

And what is your plan in the event of an unexpected emergency… Imagine going to bed with a stomach ache and waking up in the hospital. That’s exactly what happened to Vince Arcuri in early July and, if it hadn’t been for Iamfine’s daily call service and quick response from his family, he might not…
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Common scams targeting seniors

Common scams targeting seniors

Find help and know you are not alone… It is a sad truth that after retirement, seniors often become the targets of financial scams. Adults over the age of 65 are typically set financially and have good credit, both of which make them appealing victims of con artists. It’s important to be aware of common…
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Signs Your Elderly Loved One Needs Help

Signs Your Elderly Loved One Needs Help

How will I know? It can be hard to know when it is time to talk with an aging loved one about getting help with in-home care. Especially those loved ones that have always been fiercely independent, facing the reality of needing help can be tough. To know when it is the right time to…
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Healthy Living and Safety Tips for Seniors

4 Tips for Staying Healthy and Safe Healthy living comes in many forms, and for seniors, it’s crucial to understand how to make them part of a daily routine. Exercise, a well-balanced diet, social time, and safety around the house are keys to a healthy lifestyle, but many seniors are unsure of how to make…
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Who Cares for your Pets in Case of an Emergency?

Having a plan in place brings peace of mind If you live alone, there is nothing quite as comforting as having a pet to greet you when you open the door. But, if something were to happen to you, what would become of your pet? It is important to have an emergency plan in place,…
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Adopt a Senior Pet

Thinking about getting a pet? November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month. There is no denying the benefits of pet ownership for seniors, but there are also benefits to adopting older pets even as an older adult. There is no denying how cute puppies and kittens are, but often the appeal of younger pets means…
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Caregiving: Knowing When to Ask for Help

As caregivers, we often don’t know when to ask… Acting as a caregiver for a sick or aging loved one is rewarding in many ways but can also be a stressful and overwhelming job. If you don’t address the stress of caregiving, it can lead to burnout. Often caregivers feel the need to shoulder all…
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Emergency Preparation as Seniors

  It can help save your life From tornadoes and floods to sweltering heat, it doesn’t matter what time of year it is there is always the potential for extreme weather to hit. Some of the dangers can be mitigated by having a prepared emergency kit and a practiced emergency drill, something especially important for…
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Check-in Call’s for Pet Owners Living Alone

Say Hello to Tillie… One of the scariest things about getting older is thinking of those you leave behind. Especially now, as more seniors reap the benefits of pet companionship, it is vital to have a plan for what will become of the pet if something happens to the owner. Daily check-in calls for Pet…
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Halloween Activities

Halloween Activities All Can Enjoy

The Halloween Season is upon us… Which means buckets full of candy and outrageous costumes. You’re never too old to enjoy the spookiest day of the year, so for seniors ready to embrace the spirit of the holiday, here are five activities to try. If your household or community is anything like ours, then Halloween…
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6 Fun & Easy Halloween Snacks for Seniors

You can’t have Halloween without the treats! From candy corn to caramel apples the October holiday is almost synonymous with sugar. Luckily, with a little bit of creativity, even healthier snacks can help you feel festive. The older we get, the more we have to pay attention to our diet, to combat heart disease and…
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Featured Image for Article Post

Quick and Simple Recipes for Older Adults

Sometimes quick and simple is best (for recipes) As people age, it can become harder to eat well. For some seniors, that stems from changing taste buds or appetite levels, and for others, it can be a lack of motivation, whatever the reason making the right meal choices becomes even more important as we age.…
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Eating a well balanced diet

There are ways to approach eating a well-balanced diet We tell children to eat healthy so they can grow big and strong, but often forget it is important to eat well at any stage in life. Eating a well-balanced diet is one of the best ways to prevent a variety of chronic diseases that become…
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Self-Care Tips for Caregivers

Your health & well-being matter too As a caregiver, it is easy to get caught up in everything that needs to get done for who you are caring for, from doctor’s appointments and medication refills to grocery shopping and cooking nutritious meals. In the midst of it all, it is easy to forget to take…
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Home Modifications – Aging in Place

Stay comfortable in your own house There is no greater comfort than being able to remain in your own home as you enter your golden years called aging-in-place, more and more seniors are deciding to forgo retirement communities and senior living homes in favor of staying put. However, with age comes challenges and houses may…
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Two Friends on a Bench

Tips For Making Friends as We Age

Tips For Making Friends as We Age When we were young, we didn’t give a second thought to making new friends. In school, forming bonds on the playground was as easy as asking someone to play with you. As parents or office employees, we developed relationships with others over shared interests and tasks. In retirement,…
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Heart Attack Symptoms in Men vs. Women

Heart Attack Symptoms in Men vs. Women

Heart Attack Symptoms in  Men vs. Women The number one symptom associated with a heart attack is pain or tightness in the chest, and while that is one of the most common signs, it is not the only one. A heart attack can be a lot less dramatic than a sharp pain in the chest.…
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5 Dog Breeds For Older Adults

5 Dog Breeds For Older Adults There is no denying the enrichment that dogs bring to our lives. From keeping us active to boosting our mood, dog ownership can be beneficial to people of all ages. However, these benefits may be even more apparent among seniors. So for those over the age of 65 looking…
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Aging in place options

The world is in a state of change. Fertility rates are dropping as life expectancy rises, meaning soon the number of elderly will outpace children for the first time in history, according to the World Health Organization. Projections show that by 2050 the number of people over the age of 65 around the world will…
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Testimonial from a user – saving a life

Testimonial from a user – helping keep seniors safe April 2019 Falling as a senior living alone can be a scary thing, but thanks to Iamfine when Miss G. fell in her home earlier this month she was able to quickly get the help she needed. At 89 years old Miss G is fiercely independent,…
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6 simple yet powerful exercises for seniors

Exercising is one of the best ways to stay healthy at any age Exercising is especially important for seniors. Staying active can help reduce risk of falling, help combat chronic diseases, maintain muscle mass, increase bone density and decrease the frequency of doctor visits. Ideally, adults should get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per…
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Rewards for caring for an aging loved one

Rewards for caring for an aging loved one Taking on the roles and responsibilities of caring for an aging loved one can be stressful, especially when it happens unexpectedly, but being a caregiver can also have many rewards. From building stronger relationships with a loved one to personal reflection, taking on the role of a…
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Protect your pet with IAMFINE daily call service

Benefits of Pet Ownership

There is nothing quite like waking up to a kiss from a four-legged friend or watching their tail wag as you come back in from checking the mail. Pets love us unconditionally. Having an animal around may reduce stress, lower blood pressure and combat feelings of isolation especially for seniors. People with pets may be…
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Live healthier and happier by Jason Lewis

3 Habits That Can Help Seniors Live Healthier and Happier The keys to health and happiness for seniors may be simpler than you think. Living your best life during your golden years doesn’t require a secret potion or complicated practices. All it really takes is a better understanding of your health and how to improve…
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Combating Social Isolation in Seniors

There are many benefits to seniors remaining in their homes as they age, a sense of familiarity, independence and a lower cost of living. However, at times, ageing in place can lead to a sense of isolation, especially when the senior is living alone. There are several things you can do to make sure your…
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Prevent many chronic diseases by following a healthy diet

We tell children to eat healthy so they can grow big and strong, but often forget it is important to eat well at any stage in life. Eating a well-balanced diet is one of the best ways to prevent a variety of chronic diseases that become more common as we age.   According to the…
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Exercise Safely – A guide for seniors

Exercise is important for a healthy lifestyle. We are active as children and young adults. In those times of our lives, we often take the ease of mobility for granted. As we age it can be harder to do simple physical motions which can cause us to not be as active and can lead to…
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daily automated reassurance calls from

Long distance caregiving

Thoughts on caregiving from a distance Long distance caregiving is defined as when you live at least an hour or more away from your loved one. It can be stressful and a huge responsibility to take on as a son, daughter, or family member. However, living far away from a loved doesn’t have to make…
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A story from an Iamfine user who lives alone with his pet

Living alone with your pet – what happens to them if you are incapacitated? It’s always interesting to hear from our users on how they find value in Iamfine I recently spoke with Marcus from Atlanta, Georgia. Marcus lives alone with his pet German shepherd, “Tessa”. His house is a few hundred yards from the…
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What is a senior citizen?

Technology and daily terms have changed significantly during our lifetime Let’s look at the world through the eyes of a senior citizen…..   One who was here before: the pill, television, frozen food, cell phones, Bluetooth, GPS, plastic surgery, contact lenses, and credit cards and even before the jet engine airplane. For us, timesharing meant togetherness,…
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Safeguarding a home to prevent falls

Falling down as a child was normal. Some dirt would be on our knees, and maybe a bump or scrape to cry about before getting back up and playing. Falling is one of the leading causes of death in those over 65 years old. As a senior citizen, the thought of falling down can be…
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